Valentine's Day With Your Pet
Show your love for your pets this Valentine Valentine’s Day is the time of year for showing affection to those you love, and that includes your pets. While there may...
How To Treat Your Dog's Cold
Can dogs get colds? Put simply, the answer is yes! Just like humans, dogs can also catch a cold – and they probably feel just as miserable as we do....
Is pork bad for dogs?
We often hear that particular ingredients are bad for our pets, but is this always true? Some ingredients, such as onions, dried fruit and chocolate are toxic to our pooches...
Knowing the signs of heat stroke
The RSPCA (England & Wales) says it has received more than 600 emergency calls in the last two weeks about dogs suffering in the current heatwave. It is vital that...
How dogs see the world
Christmas is almost upon us and many of you may have already dusted off the storage boxes and begun adorning your home with decorations. For some dogs, Christmas can be...
Dog Winter Coat Advice and More Cold-Weather Pet Care Tips
Winter is a time of grey, chilly weather drifting towards us, and ensuring our pets stay safe and warm becomes extremely important during this season. Dogs in particular need their...
Dog shedding: Things you need to know
How to deal with dog shedding A soft and lustrous coat is something all pet owners want their dogs to have, as it is a great indication that your dog...
How to Throw a Dog Friendly New Year’s Eve Party
How your pets can have a wonderful time too New Year’s Eve celebrates the year just passed and gives us an opportunity to be thankful for all it has brought...
How to support pet wellbeing when you go back to work
During the recent COVID-19 pandemic, uncertainty about the future and concern for the health of loved ones caused many of us to feel anxious and stressed. Luckily our pets were...
Different types of dog walk
Walking has many benefits, both physical and mental, for dogs and humans alike. The physical perks to be gained from walking are numerous; cardiovascular health, weight loss, muscle power, bone...
Should I Let My Dog Sleep in Bed with Me?
This surprisingly common practice is one that polarises pet owners, shocking some and delighting others. Leading increasingly busy lives means we often feel we don’t see our dogs enough. It...
How owning a dog can boost health and wellbeing
We love dogs. They provide us with so much in life; acting as motivational exercise partner, sofa snuggle-buddy, and even a non-judgemental shoulder to cry on when we’re sad. Their...
Fun Tricks You Can Teach Your Dog
Teaching your dog to roll over, spin around and shake hands Teaching your dog tricks can give you hours of entertainment and the wonderful opportunity to strengthen the bond between...
Five tips to help you become the dog walking master!
Is your dog pulling, barking, or trying its best to run away? Your little bundle of fun might seem mischievous – but it’s just so excited to explore the world....