Why do dogs eat poop?
If you are lucky enough to own a dog, you may have experienced them eating - or at least attempting to eat - poop. But why? There are a couple...
Man's Best Friend: The History of Dogs and Humans
How dog and man have influenced each other throughout time The history of dogs and humans is extensive, in which each has felt the influence of the other strongly. We...
Festive Pets
The festive period is enjoyable for all the family, and your pets are no exception to this. You’ve probably spent a fair amount of time picking out the perfect present...
Dog-friendly holidays: Where and how to go on holiday with your dog
Dogs are part of the family, so it’s only natural we want to bring them on holiday with us. Whether you’re staying in the UK or travelling abroad, there are...
Caring for your dog on bonfire night
FLASH, BANG, POP? NO THANKS! CARING FOR YOUR DOG ON BONFIRE NIGHT Remember, remember the 5th of November… How to prepare your dog for the unpredictable. As autumn nudges up...
Valentine's Day With Your Pet
Show your love for your pets this Valentine Valentine’s Day is the time of year for showing affection to those you love, and that includes your pets. While there may...
How to Throw a Dog Friendly New Year’s Eve Party
How your pets can have a wonderful time too New Year’s Eve celebrates the year just passed and gives us an opportunity to be thankful for all it has brought...
How to support pet wellbeing when you go back to work
During the recent COVID-19 pandemic, uncertainty about the future and concern for the health of loved ones caused many of us to feel anxious and stressed. Luckily our pets were...
Should I Let My Dog Sleep in Bed with Me?
This surprisingly common practice is one that polarises pet owners, shocking some and delighting others. Leading increasingly busy lives means we often feel we don’t see our dogs enough. It...
How owning a dog can boost health and wellbeing
We love dogs. They provide us with so much in life; acting as motivational exercise partner, sofa snuggle-buddy, and even a non-judgemental shoulder to cry on when we’re sad. Their...
How to calm an anxious dog
Dogs communicate to us through body language. Sometimes your puppy will tell you when it’s time for food, other times when they are ready to play; so, it is important...
Can our pets dream?
We’ve all looked at our dog when they are asleep and wondered whether they are dreaming – and if so, what about. Despite our fairly limited understanding of dreams, we...
Why does my dog lick me?
Thanks to the many thousands of years humans have spent living together with dogs, we find that we can communicate with our canine companions very well. However, sometimes our dogs...
Do dogs like snow?
Keeping your dog safe in the snowy weather One of the most exciting aspects of the winter season for humans is snow. Snowball fights and building snowmen bring out the...