James Wellbeloved Pet of the Month Competition
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May 2024
Lily (17 years old) is a pure white with a hint of exotic Siamese!
Eve Dixon-Scott & her cat Lily
is 17, they've been together all that time!
She is the senior lady and takes no nonsense from the two tabby boys who share the house, both of whom adore her.
3 Words: Beautiful, diva, intelligent!
Favourite Games
These days Lily regards most
games as foolish activities for impressionable youngsters (ie the tabbies) but when the mood strikes her, she will suddenly hurtle about upstairs between the bedrooms, in and out of the big cardboard box we've kept up there for them all.
She flies like the wind and there's the most enormous thundering of heavy feet as she zips and crashes from one place to another.
Funny Habits
On a fine day, Lily loves to throw herself down sideways on a concrete slab or big flat stone and roll about, wriggling and writhing until her white fur is full of fine mud and grit, looking grey in appearance.
She also likes to place a paw on my husband's hand when we're all sharing the sofa and laptop together. If we don't each sit in the right place, she makes her displeasure clearly known and we have to move round before she'll join us.
James Wellbeloved
James Wellbeloved food has made all the difference to her health. She has a lot of digestive issues and needs a hypoallergenic diet, also single source protein is often very important for her too.
Her thick coat feels soft and is in good condition, even though some of the hairs are naturally quite coarse-textured and the vet tells me her overall health is good. That will be due to a good diet and a good home.
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