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Dog Breeds

What dog should you get – Infographic

What dog should you get – Infographic
Gary Serradinho
Writer and expert1 month ago
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James Wellbeloved’s guide to choosing your new dog

Getting a dog – buying or fostering –  is a big step for any family. While it’s all very exciting, it’s easy to let the practicalities slip you by –  where they’ll sleep, the food (we can help there), whether your garden is big enough! There’s just so much to think about. That’s why at James Wellbeloved we’ve thought of everything you need to know before you make your decision. Check out our guide!

Five indicators for perfect companionship

We’ve crunched the numbers and boiled everything down into five simple and easy to understand indicators.

  • How big is your house?

Whether you live in a small flat or a stately house, the size of your home is crucial when it comes to choosing the right breed

  • How much spare time do you have?

Work at home? Out of the house all day? Some dogs cope better alone than others. Make sure you take this into account before choosing a specific breed.

  •  How active are you?

Whether walkies is not your thing, or you run a marathon every week, some breeds love exercise more than others and this need to be taken into account.

  •  How tolerant are you to fur?

Some breeds shed more fur than others. If you find fur around the home intolerable, some breeds are much better than others.

  • What training level would you want to achieve with your dog?

Gunning for Crufts next year? Some dogs are more intelligent than others and so, if you’re looking for the next rosette winner, we’ll point you in the right direction.   From here you can work out which dog is perfect for you by awarding each of these a score out of five. The close the dog’s rating is to yours, the more likely you’ll match up.

Personalities explored

With each dog type we’ve provided a small profile, just so you know exactly what you’re getting into. For example, pastoral dogs won’t leave your side, while Toy breeds are going to take a little extra training. While every dog is unique, they all share common traits which can make your life heavenly bliss.

Gary Serradinho
Writer and expert
View Gary Serradinho's profile