Dog eating superfood

Why choose James Wellbeloved™ Superfoods?

A well-fed pup is a happy and healthy one. And as a brand that is passionate about creating delicious natural dog food for our beloved pets, we work hard to ensure your dog's bowl is filled with the very best.

Whether you're feeding a puppy or an adult dog, the James Wellbeloved™ Superfoods dry dog food range is enriched with superfood goodness to offer them immunity support. Plus, it comes in two delicious flavour combinations: Turkey with Kale & Quinoa and Lamb with Sweet Potato & Chia

But what makes James Wellbeloved™ Superfoods dog food so super?

It's all about the ingredients. All of our natural dog food recipes, including the high protein and light dog food ranges are made with wholesome natural ingredients and offer complete and balanced nutrition. But the James Wellbeloved™ Superfoods range goes the extra mile with recipes packed full of nutrient-rich powerhouses that are bursting with vitamins and minerals that care for your dog from the inside out.

Kale and quinoa, for example, are natural sources of antioxidants that can support your dog’s immunity, while quinoa is also a good source of protein and fibre, aiding healthy digestion. Sweet potato is good for dogs too, as it is high in fibre, while chia provides omega 3 fatty acids and zinc, which can help promote healthy skin and fur.         .

Each Superfoods recipe also contains single source animal proteins, oats for sustained energy release, chicory extract which is a source of prebiotic inulin helping to maintain the gut flora, yucca – a natural deodoriser for less smelly poos, and brown & white rice, which are highly digestible carbohydrates for your dog.

Wholesome, naturally hypoallergenic recipes           

Our Superfoods formulas are made without common allergens like beef, pork, soya, eggs, dairy and wheat, making them naturally hypoallergenic and suitable for dogs with sensitivities. What’s more, with our commitment to excluding artificial colours and flavours you can trust that every bite is full of goodness and free from nasties. Check out the full James Wellbeloved™ dog food range to find the best choice for you dog's dietary needs.