dog jumping through long grass

Grain free dog food

Grain Free Dog Food - Is it right for your dog?

We love our dogs and making sure they are as happy and healthy as possible is our top priority. At times, this may involve making changes to our canine friends’ diet to improve their digestion and overall health. With a wide variety of dog food diets available, the choice can sometimes be overwhelming. Different types of dog food diet include grain free dog food, gluten free dog food, manufactured wet and dry foods and home prepared diets such as raw feeding. The type of diet you choose to feed your dog will depend on what works best for them. For example, dogs can suffer from food intolerances. If you suspect that your dog has a food intolerance, then you could try one of our grain free diets.



What does grain free mean?

Grain free dog food is made using a recipe without cereal. That means no wheat, rye, barley, oats, maize, sorghum, millet, triticale or rice. However, this doesn’t mean the food is any less delicious! We replace the cereals with a mix of tasty vegetables, including potatoes and peas, to ensure that the texture and flavour of your dog’s food are still just as appealing. A common misconception about grain free dog food is that it is also low-carb or even carbohydrate free. However, as grain free dog food often uses carbohydrates such as sweet potato to replace grains, this does not make it a carb free dog food. Although ingredients like meat are the most important factor in a healthy dog’s diet, carbohydrates can be a useful energy source for your dog.


It is possible for a dog to have an intolerance to anything.


Another common misconception surrounding grain free dog food is that it is also gluten free. However, this is not the case. Gluten can be found in certain types of grain, including wheat, rye, barley and oats, but there are other grains which are gluten-free, including rice and maize. If you are unsure about the ingredients in your dog’s food, always read the label carefully or ask a vet for advice.


Why go grain free?

We know that, when given correctly cooked grain as a food ingredient, intolerance in dogs is relatively uncommon – but when it does occur, it can be distressing for the dog and the owner. So an increasing number of dog owners are not taking any chances and are going straight to grain free. Many of our customers report that the grain free foods are even more palatable than our rice-based foods, so are especially good for fussy eaters. There are many benefits of going grain free for your dog, meaning they’ll be full of energy and shining with health from toe to tail.


Are there any possible disadvantages?

No. These are still naturally hypoallergenic foods with a single animal protein in each food and with no added synthetic colours, flavours of preservatives. As with all our foods, we put massive care into sourcing the ingredients and cooking the food to ensure that we provide complete and balanced nutrition to keep your dog in top condition.


Puppies can eat grain free dog food, so long as it contains the right balance of nutrients.


Grain free pup


Can puppies eat grain free dog food?

As puppies have lots of growing to do, feeding them the right diet is vital for their development. The most important thing is that your puppy gets all the nutrients they need to grow into a healthy dog. Puppies can eat grain free dog food, so long as it contains the right balance of nutrients. Further, puppies who show signs of intolerances from eating traditional dog food may benefit from a change to a grain-free diet.



If your dog has food allergies or intolerances, a hypoallergenic food could be a great solution. For dogs with particular sensitivities and who may find it more difficult to digest cereals, grain free dog food could provide your dog with the diet they need to be at their healthiest. James Wellbeloved food is naturally hypoallergenic, with no added artificial colours, flavours or preservatives, so you can rest assured that it won’t cause an adverse food reaction in your dog.