Grooming your cat
Cat grooming is an essential part of caring for these magnificent pets We often observe our cats preening themselves by licking and cleaning their fur. This is possibly why many...

What does it mean when my cat purrs?
Why do cat's purr? The sound of a cat purring is a wonderful noise, but why do cats purr? It’s a noise few other animals make, with even some close...

What not to feed your cat
The best way to ensure your cat is eating food that is safe and healthy is to buy cat food designed specifically for them depending on their age and dietary...

Can cats have dairy?
When it comes to slipping our cats a treat, most pet owners have been guilty of this at some point. Whether it’s a proper pet treat or a small snack...

What are the Best Cat Breeds for Allergies?
The best cat breeds for allergies The only feeling any of us want after playing with a cat is a warm heart, but not everyone is lucky enough to be...

Is my cat overweight?
Overweight cats are common and it’s usually by fault of our own; they give us their wide-eyed stare, purring gently on our laps and it’s too tempting not to spoil...

All you need to know about cat worms
At some point in your cat’s life they may get worms. Symptoms range from slight digestive upsets to more serious illnesses, so you should try and protect your cat as...

Cat Vaccination Schedule - Everything You Should Know
Whether you’re a new kitten owner or someone who’s had a cat for a while, it’s important you are familiar with cat vaccinations. These not only help protect your pet...

Cat age in human years
Like all pet lovers, cat owners love to consider how old their cat is in human years. While not an exact science, it is a bit of fun to imagine...

Cat Scan: Top 10 Cat Injuries
It’s fortunate that cats have nine lives because they tend to injure themselves quite frequently. These injuries mostly occur because of another attribute we ascribe to our feline pets: they...

What do cats drink?
Like humans, cats’ bodies are 70% water. Consequently, they need to intake a large amount of water every day to stay healthy. Cats in the wild get most of their...

Kidney failure in cats
Your cat’s kidneys are responsible for some very important jobs, including cleaning toxins and waste from his or her blood and managing blood pressure. Unfortunately, this means that, if the...

How to stop cats from biting
We’ve all been there – one minute we’re giving our cats a gentle stroke and listening to them purr, when suddenly – seemingly out of nowhere – they bite us....

How to tell if your cat is pregnant
The early signs that a cat has become pregnant can be quite subtle and it is not uncommon for owners to confuse a swelling abdomen with obesity, especially if your...